Το Blueislands σε 3 μεγάλες τουριστικές εκθέσεις από τον Δήμο Ρόδου


BLUEISLANDS project was recently presented in the 3 top leading travel and tourism exhibitions, ITB BERLIN (7-11 March 2018), Moscow International Travel & Tourism Exhibition (MITT 12-14 March 2018) and Salon Mondial du tourisme (Paris 15-18 March 2018) at the stands of the project partner Municipality of Rhodes, Greece.

Industry professionals from travel agents, tour operators, transport companies, IT companies and citizens attended the Municipality of Rhodes stands to source information on Rhode’s destination.

In total more than 1000 people have been informed and gained sound knowledge about the BLUEISLANDS project and our systematic effort to properly identify, address and mitigate the effects of the seasonal variation of waste generation on MED islands as an effect of tourism.

For more information visit projects webpage here